Concert SponsorSHIP Opportunities
Let the music play!
When you pledge your concert sponsorship to RIWE, you help advance our mission of access to live music!
Because RIWE does not typically charge admission to our concerts, we depend on the generosity of concert sponsors like yourself to continue bringing musical excellence to the Ocean State. Since RIWE is a non-profit 501-C3 organization, your support is tax-deductible. Our normal operating expenses include rehearsal hall rental, music purchase, equipment transport, insurance, and conductor salary.
Every sponsorship helps RIWE fulfill its mission of providing audiences of diverse ages and cultural backgrounds access to live music of the highest quality, faithfully presenting the best in traditional wind band repertoire alongside music of underrepresented and historically disenfranchised communities.
Each level of sponsorship comes with benefits — choose the support tier that is right for your organization! Your generosity will be gratefully acknowledged.
Platinum Sponsor - $1000
Dedicated table for promotional materials at the concert.
The opportunity to introduce the band and your business at the concert.
Space at the RIWE table for promotional materials at all other concerts.
Your logo featured on an exclusive poster at the sponsored concert.
Public acknowledgement of your sponsorship by the conductor at the concert.
Social media coverage of sponsorship.
Your logo included in all promotional material and the concert program.
Your logo displayed on RIWE’s “Our Family of Donors” web page, with a link to your website.
Gold Supporter – $500
Public acknowledgement of your sponsorship by the conductor at the concert.
Social media coverage of sponsorship.
Your logo included in all promotional material and the concert program.
Your logo displayed on RIWE’s “Our Family of Donors” web page, with a link to your website.
Silver Supporter – $250
Public acknowledgement of your sponsorship by the conductor at the concert.
Your logo included in all promotional material and the concert program.
Your logo displayed on RIWE’s “Our Family of Donors” web page.
Bronze Supporter – $100
Public acknowledgement of your sponsorship by the conductor at the concert.
Your logo included on the concert program.
Your logo displayed on RIWE’s “Our Family of Donors” web page.